
June 2023 CTTANewsletter (created on 06.06.2023 by Peter Klin and chat cpg)

June 2023 CTTANewsletter Association Activities: CTTA resumes regular meetings
and activities after a long hiatus due to the pandemic restrictions. Main Group
Visit (MGV): Details and preparations for this year's MGV to Dorsten, originally
planned for 2020 but postponed twice, are being finalized. Dual Committee
Meeting: The shorter version of the committee meeting will now take place during the
MGV in Dorsten. Social Events: Moira Blackman, our Social Secretary, has
organized successful member's "get together evenings" such as the Curry Evening and
Quiz Night with Fish and Chips. Upcoming Social Events: Moira is working on
organizing more CTTA social events for the rest of the year, to be announced once
finalized. Post MGV BBQ: Geoff and Jacky May propose a post MGV BBQ event in
August for MGV participants, with details to be announced after the MGV's travelers
meeting. CTTA's Curry Evening: A successful Curry Evening was held at the
Cinnamon Indian Restaurant in Tilgate Parade on March 2nd, 2023. CTTA photo and
article from the past: An article and photo from the Observer published on September
23, 1998, showcasing CTTA's history. Getting to know your committee: Sandy Green,
the newest member of the CTTA Committee, shares her experience href="">audemars piguet
and involvement in the Twinning. CTTA Committee Members for
2022/2023: Introduction of the committee members for the current term.

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