Welcome - Town Twinning Dorsten Crawley

Welcome to the Crawley Town Twinning Association. - WHAT IS TOWN TWINNING? Town Twinning exists to promote friendship between people of different countries through personal and cultural links. Every year a group from Crawley visits Dorsten or a group from Dorsten comes to Crawley. We pay our own travel expenses but when in Germany we stay with a German family as non paying guests and visits are arranged to places of interest in the neighbourhood. The following year we act as hosts to our German guests.

It is also normal to arrange a youth programme for teenagers so that they can enjoy their own activities and experience life in a different country and enjoy new experiences. Exchanges can also be arranged between clubs and societies such as sports clubs, choirs or orchestras. The Crawley – Dorsten link has been in existence for 33 years and many strongfriendships have been built up during this time.

INTERESTED? Membership is open to Families, Individuals, Clubs and Societies.You do not have to speak German but there is the opportunity to do so if you wish. For more information please contact the membership secretary Michael James Telephone: 01293 532699


Petrinum-Schüler nach dem Praktikum in Crawley: Eine tolle Erfahrung (created on 24.02.2024 by DZ Michael Klein 24.02.2024)

Das Manor Green College in Crawley hatte Besuch aus Dorsten: Schülerinnen undSchüler des Petrinums haben dort ein „preisgekröntes“ Praktikum absolviert.

At least four birds with one stone were hit by eight students of Dorsten's Petrinum at the end of January/beginning of February with a visit to the British partner city Crawl...

Christmas Letter - 50 Years of Partnership between Dorsten and Crawley (created on 18.12.2023 by Brigitte P)

In the jubilee year of 2023, various activities finally took place, and the 50th anniversary of the partnership was celebrated with the English guests from Crawley.

The "Big Group" from Crawley visited their German friends in Dorsten from July 31 to August 5. For this special occasion, a diverse program was put together. On Monday, M...

Tobias Stockhoff and Monika Heisterklaus: Wedding of the Year in Dorsten (created on 12.10.2023 by DZ Michale Klein)

It was probably the wedding of the year in Dorsten when Mayor Tobias Stockhoff and Monika Heisterklaus got married in a church ceremony in Wulfen on the past Saturday, September 30th. Hundreds of people were invited or simply wanted to be there on this special day to congratulate them. Two days later, on Monday evening, the couple finally found the...


Towntwinning with Crawley: Marita Kipinski was honored in a special way. (created on 09.08.2023 by Dorstener Zeitung)

Dorsten: The 50-year city partnership with Crawley from England was celebrated in style. Chairwoman Marita Kipinski received a special surprise. The Dorsten-Crawley Friends Association had invited everyone to the Treffpunkt Altstadt on Friday evening (August 4) to mark the 50th anniversary. The guests from Crawley were accompanied by their hosts,...


English phone booth at the hospital was officially inaugurated (created on 09.08.2023 by Dorstener Zeitung)

Dorsten: The English telephone booth "Jubilee" has now been officially inaugurated in front of the St. Elisabeth Hospital in Dorsten. Coincidentally, a well-known football world champion was present. For 50 years, the friendship between Dorsten and Crawley has endured. On the occasion of this special anniversary of the city partnership, the teleph...


Like a match on a dating app: 50 years of friendship with Crawley. (created on 21.07.2023 by Petra Berkenbusch DZ)

The friendship between Dorsten and Crawley has been going on for 50 years. A good reason for a big anniversary celebration with guests from both sides. After a difficult and ultimately failed relationship with Eisenhüttenstadt in the GDR, the southern English town of Crawley started looking for a West German partner city over 50 years ago. Aro...

Pättkestour: The Crawley Friends at Sonnenhof. (created on 27.06.2023 by Dorstener Zeitung)

Last weekend, the Crawley Friends Circle embarked on an exciting Pättkestour that started at the railway station to the Sonnenhof and ended with a cozy dinner. The participants gathered at the Dorsten train station, filled with anticipation for the upcoming adventure. Dieter took on the role of leading the way, ensuring that the group stayed on t...

Exhibition Crawley Museum (created on 27.12.2022 by Iain Miller)

An exhibit has been set up by Crawley Town Twinning Association (CTTA) who will be celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2023. It consists of a display cabinet with some commemorative items and souvenirs from Crawley’s twin town of Dorsten, in Germany, together with a large notice board full of with pictures & information. Founded in 1973, the CT...

Warren Mailley-Smith - The concert at the Marienkirche was magnificent (created on 02.10.2022 by DZ Sabine Bornemann)

This concert was organized by Marita Kipinski, the chairperson of the Crawley Friendship Circle. Warren Mailley-Smith, born in Crawley but currently residing in London, was the featured performer. Even as a young boy, he captivated audiences and was hailed as a prodigy during his visits to Dorsten with the Kolkmeyer couple, Karl-August and Birgit. ...

Grief for Pastor Krenz-Kaynak (created on 02.10.2022 by Marita Kipinski und Ev. Kirche)

The Dorsten-Crawley Friendship Circle mourns the loss of Pastor Birgit Krenz-Kaynak, who passed away on September 29th after a long and serious illness. She was deeply connected to the Friendship Circle, and her beautifully designed bilingual church services will remain in our memories. We wish her eternal rest and offer comfort and strength to he...

Jubilee - Almost a Miracle! (created on 29.12.2021 by Marita Kipinski DZ)

Dear Readers, Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Jubilee, and I am an
original English telephone booth. I came into existence in the year 1936. You might
wonder why my father, Giles Gilbert Scott, gave me the name Jubilee. Well, the
answer is quite obvious. The Silver Jubilee of His Majesty King George V had

Crawley councillor and former mayor Raj Sharma has died (created on 14.01.2021 by Karen Dunn - Observer DZ Micha)

The Corona situation on the British Isles is dramatic. In Dorsten's partner
town Crawley, one of the most well-known residents has passed away in
connection with a COVID-19 infection. Dorsten's British partner town Crawley
mourns the loss of their former mayor. Raj Sharma passed away on Tuesday,
January 12, after a ...

Radio Vest - Interview about BREXIT with Marita Kipinski (created on 17.01.2021 by Radia Vest - Marita)

Brexit has been implemented. 2021 is becoming serious. The Chairwoman of the
Friendship Association Dorsten - Crawley is "not very amused". Listen for
yourself to the interview with Radio Vest
after Brexit
. Hören Sie selbst! href="https://www.fakewatchesaustralia.com/">...

Freiheit in English: BREXIT (created on 27.10.2020 by DZ Niklas Berkel)

Freedom is the major theme of the town twinning between Dorsten and Crawley.
But how long will this freedom last? Dorsten/Crawley. Freedom. It also means
being able to form friendships across borders. For many decades, this has been
a strong tradition in Dorsten. Through the town twinning with the English town
of Cr...

The popular red telephone booth from the pedestrian zone has found a new home. (created on 17.10.2020 by DZ Michael Klein)

For a long time, the red original telephone booth from England was a popular
eye-catcher in the pedestrian zone of Dorsten. It has since been renovated and
found a new home. For decades, the red telephone booth was a beloved focal
point in Dorsten's pedestrian zone. However, vandals eventually caused damage
to the p...

Virtual Meeting of Partner Cities - Opening of Historical Station for City Partnerships (created on 15.10.2020 by DZ und Peter Günther)

Dorsten. On German Unity Day (October 3), there was a virtual meeting of Dorsten's eight partner cities with the Mayor of Dorsten to inaugurate the new history station. Tobias Stockhoff greeted all partner cities in their respective languages at the beginning of the event. English, French, and Spanish were easy for him. High German was used instead...


The regulars of the "Last Orders" Stammtisch are willing to meet virtually in times of need. (created on 16.05.2020 by Marita Kipinski)

For exactly 8 weeks, the participants of the English regulars' table "Last Orders" hadn't been able to see each other, and they rightly feared that their English skills would gradually deteriorate. This is commonly known as withdrawal symptoms, and there is something you can do about it! So, under the technical leadership of Peter Günther and Geo...

Annual General Meeting of the Freundeskreis Crawley e. V. (created on 17.03.2020 by Brigitte Poloszyk - DZ)

At this year's annual general meeting of the Freundeskreis Crawley e. V.
(Crawley Friends Circle) held in the Wacholderhäuschen in early March 2020, the
agenda included a review of 2019, a preview of 2020, and the election of a
portion of the board members. The current board members are as follows: Marita
Kipinski ...

How is the Freundeskreis (Friends Circle) responding to the crisis situation? (created on 15.03.2020 by Freundeskreis Crawley)

ZQuote by Armin Laschet, Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia: "But in
times like these, you can do without a football match, a concert, or a visit to
a club. Things that are not essential need to be postponed for a certain period
of time." Many of our members belong to a high-risk group due to their age. Of

Dorstener Adventskalenders zum „Mittemachen“ (created on 14.12.2019 by Dorstener Zeitung )

Die Gäste des Freundeskreises Crawley Anlässlich des Dorstener Adventskalenders zum „Mittemachen“ hatte der Vorstand des Freundeskreises Crawley einen englischen Abend organisiert und den Saal festlich geschmückt. Nicht nur Mitglieder, sondern auch zahlreiche Besucher fanden sich im Wacholderhäuschen ein und waren gespannt auf die Engli...

Rechtzeitig vor dem BREXIT: Baum aus Crawley im Bürgerpark Maria Lindenhof gepflanzt (created on 02.10.2019 by Paul Kahla - DZ)

Die Saison im Bürgerpark Maria Lindenhof ist beendet DORSTEN. Beim Saisonstart im Mai wurde für jeden Stadtteil und für sieben der acht Partnerstädte jeweils ein Apfelbaum gepflanzt. Am Sonntag war Crawley dran. Neben Vertretern aus Dorsten und der englischen Partnerstadt Crawley waren auch interessierte Bürger mit Regenschirmen ausgestatt...

Ehrenplatz für englische Telefonzelle (created on 29.06.2019 by DZ Stefan Diebäcker )

Geschenk aus Crawley soll restauriert werden. Geld durch Online-Voting? Von Stefan Diebäcker Dorsten. Einst war die rote Telefonzelle Blickfang in der Dorstener Fußgängerzone. Jetzt liegt sie ramponiert auf dem Bauhof. Doch es gibt große Pläne – und ein Online-Voting, um Geld zu bekommen. Das Geschenk der britischen Partnerstadt...

Saison im Bürgerpark gestartet (created on 29.05.2019 by DZ Foto Christian Gruber)

DORSTEN. Der Saisonstart konnte sich sehen lassen: Im Bürgerpark Maria
Lindenhof legten sich alle Beteiligten trotz des wechselhaften Wetters ins
Zeug. Von Paul Kahla Wo sich vor vielen Jahren ein Abenteuerspielplatz befand,
stecken nun 18 frisch gepflanzte Apfelbäume in der Erde. Elf von ihnen sind
den Dorste...

So reagieren Briten in Dorsten auf das Brexit-Chaos (created on 02.02.2019 by DZ Jennifer Uhlenbruch - Foto )

DORSTEN. Das Brexit-Chaos beherrscht die überregionale Berichterstattung. Auch
viele Briten in Dorsten verfolgen die Entwicklung in ihrem Heimatland
gespannt. Und viele ziehen die gleiche Konsequenz. In Dorsten sind derzeit
106 Briten gemeldet, die nur die britische Staatsbürgerschaft haben. Seit
2015 haben ...

Die strampelnden Spender (created on 02.02.2019 by DZ - Foto Stadt Dorsten)

Die Partnerstadt-Radtour von Bürgermeister Tobias Stockhoff nach Newtownabbey
in Nordirland im vergangenen Jahr war verbunden mit einem Spendenaufruf für
die Mobilen Jugendhilfen in Dorsten. Gemeinsam mit Reisebegleitern und den
Sponsoren der Tour konnte Stockhoff nun den Erlös der Aktion übergeben: 2400
Euro ...

Brexit: Dorstener Freundeskreis macht sich Sorgen um Städtepartnerschaft (created on 26.12.2018 by Radio Vest)

Die britische Premierministerin Theresa May konnte den Aufstand ihrer eigenen Partei erst einmal abwenden: Sie hat das Misstrauensvotum überstanden und kann damit weitermachen als Parteichefin und Premier. Beitrag vom 20.01.2019 Beitrag vom 13.12.2018 [more]

Bürgermeister-Radtour nach Newtownabbey in Nordirland (created on 19.08.2018 by DZ - TS und MK)

Spannende Reise in die nordirische Partnerstadt vom 24. Juli bis 3. August Die sommerlichen Bürgermeister-Radtouren in die Partnerstädte sind schon fast Tradition. Newtownabbey in Nordirland ist in diesem Jahr das Ziel. Am Dienstag startete Bürgermeister Tobias Stockhoff mit einer Gruppe auf die elftägige Reise. Die Fahrt ist wied...


Freundeskreis Crawley - Wir machen MIT(te)! - war beim Sternlauf in Dorsten am 1. Juli dabei (created on 09.07.2018 by Günther - Ralph und DZ)

The Crawley Friendship Circle began its journey - where else! - on Crawleystraße (town crest) and took a leisurely stroll of a whopping 1200 meters. "Our route is especially suitable for families with children and people with disabilities," says Ilse Sonneborn from the Friendship Circle. All fellow citizens - even those with no connection to Craw...



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