
Tobias Stockhoff and Monika Heisterklaus: Wedding of the Year in Dorsten (created on 01.10.2023 by DZ Michale Klein)

It was probably the wedding of the year in Dorsten when Mayor Tobias Stockhoff and Monika Heisterklaus got married in a church ceremony in Wulfen on the past Saturday, September 30th. Hundreds of people were invited or simply wanted to be there on this special day to congratulate them. Two days later, on Monday evening, the couple finally found the time to carefully go through the many gifts and greeting cards. What was in the envelope that Minister President Hendrik Wüst presented after the ceremony?

"Hendrik Wüst, like many others, conveyed very kind and friendly wishes for our marriage," Tobias shared on Tuesday, October 3rd. The Mayor and his wife were particularly delighted by the many drawings and crafts made by children. "A child surprised us at the church with two Kinder Schoko-Bons and a smile, which was the best remedy against our excitement at that moment."

There were many special moments on this remarkable day: the happiness conveyed by Chimney Sweep Master Paul Schürmann to the newlyweds, for example, or the ascent to great heights with the aerial ladder of the Wulfen Fire Brigade. "A breath of fresh air was the wonderful ride from the church to our wedding celebration in an old Mercedes with Werner Ulepic." "The typical English specialties from the Crawley Friendship Circle, the delicious treats from Poland and Upper Silesia from the Rybnik Friendship Circle, as well as tasty products from local agriculture, will ensure that we won't go hungry during our vacation," Tobias Stockhoff and Monika Heisterklaus confirmed with a smile. Many well-wishers donated to the "Dorsten Thanks You" association.

"In our street in Rhade, a very special decoration was created by Birgit Grunwald, who always lovingly decorates the fiber optic distribution box according to the season or occasion," the newlyweds rejoiced. "The greatest gift for us was the assistance before and after the wedding from our families, friends, and acquaintances, the community, the moving and humorous sermons by Deacon Dr. Stephan Rüdiger and Superintendent Steffen Riesenberg, the incredibly wonderful reception, and the wonderful atmosphere around the church, also thanks to the music by the Rhade Schützenkapelle and the Wulfen Fife and Drum Corps, as well as the wonderful celebration that lasted until 5 in the morning," the Mayor reported. "We are still deeply moved by the community and love that was given to us."

Honeymoon in the Early Summer:
After the exciting days, Tobias Stockhoff and Monika Heisterklaus will take a break starting from Wednesday. They will spend ten days on a hiking vacation in Germany, but this is not their actual honeymoon. "We'll have our honeymoon in early summer 2024," they explained. Their plan is to travel to Norway. Unfortunately, many offerings, such as cable cars, are closed or very limited from the end of September.


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